crafting with cultural integrity
changing the world of DIY
South Asian craft is some of the most iconic and influential traditional art forms in today’s contemporary craft and fashion world. We see examples of South Asian motifs today within festival wear, fashion brands, yoga studios, henna tattoos, you name it. Yet, more often than not these motifs are so far removed from their original source that all the original cultural context is lost on us. My dream for Hamesha Project is add nuance back into the world of crafting. The core of this dream is our craft kits. I wanted to create craft kits that are not only fun, but allow crafters to experience a new culture or reconnect to their own. All our kits center around a slow regional craft from South Asia. They're the perfect opportunity to take a moment to slow down, be mindful, and experience the joy of creation.

Bandhani Natural Dye Kit